Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Craigslist Craziness: I couldn't make it up if I wanted to

So I have had the craziest weekend ever- straight out of Jerry Springer.  I've wanted to move out of the craigslist place I have been in for a month because of these 2  cats- I hate cats and everything about them, mostly their hair.  I lived with a single mother and her daughter in a 5 bedroom house in South Bethesda in a really nice neighborhood.  Turns out this lady was just renting and it seems like she needed extra cash flow so she was renting out the extra room.  Anyways, it was in a posh neighborhood and easy to get to the metro and grocery store, etc.  So even though the 18yr old daughter always had her techno music too loud and the mother didn't clean any part of the house ever... I thought I would suck it up for 23 days unless I found something super better.
 I did notice when I moved in that the mother had a black eye, but I didn't want to be rude and ask about it.  One night she comes home and is screaming at some man on speaker phone like "you piece of  crap, why don't you just go back to your wife" - no, seriously.  So like an hour later I am on the phone with my dad and the man that she was talking to (I suspect) comes over in the house and is like screaming cussing her out for like 15 mins.  (Yes, the daughter was there too).  I just stayed in my room and was thinking that I was in a crazy house.  My dad was like, 'just mind your buisiness you don't know the situation.' BUT, I've watched a lot of TV in my little life and I KNOW this situation!!
 Well the daughter goes away on Friday to go live with her dad in Colorado for the summer.  That night (last Friday), this man comes over to the house and ends up spending the night; well that sucks because the bathroom doesn't have a lock on it and I refuse to shower when a strange man could come get me... so I don't (eww, I know).  In the morning I was introduced to her 'friend Bob.'  I had plans with my little brother and so I was like 'hi and bye'.  So after spending the day out at the Air and Space Museum at the Dulles Airport in VA (which is incredible) and going on a hike along the Potomac, Brian and I go back to my place for dinner.  Then I take him to the metro so he can go back to his school.
 When I get back to my place homeboy Bob and momma-lady are smoking mary jane and drinking some wine.  They are very polite and offer me some, but needless to say I was sketched out. I was like - I have to get out of this place.  So I pack all my stuff and want to go, but I don't want to make a scene so I decided I would leave either super early in the morning or when they left.  Naturally, I couldn't shower again that night and got no sleep bc they were super loud and obnoxious right next door to me. Well they wake up at 4 and are chatting super loud and then go to the kitchen at 6 something.  I am like scared to leave bc I don't want to make a scene, plus this man is at least verbally abusive, so I am just watching TV hoping they would leave- even though I can hear guitar playing.  Sooooo, a cell phone alarm is going off in their bedroom for like 15 mins and it is making me mad bc I can't listen to my TV show- so I decide to go tell them.  But when I go to the kitchen, they weren't there- they were in the basement.  So I gathered my stuff (took 4 trips to the car) put the key on the desk and left.  My heart rate was 500000BPM :) 
  But then I was homeless... so I went to go stay at my brothers dorm and spent all day calling people to move- but no one wanted me.  I called 11 convents even!  I didn't want to rent from another stranger and so I was calling friends of friends. I am now safe with a friend's family, praise the Lord.  It is pretty far from my work (took an hour and 30 mins to get here by public transportation today!!), but all is well.

Moral: Don't get a room off craigslist... it's like a box of chocolates- you never know what you're gunna get 

In other news, I got 0 results from my week long experiment and so I hung out in the dental clinic for a while and I had just missed a  25yr old girl with metastatic breast cancer who needed 4 hopeless teeth extracted who had been on bisphosphonates for 3 years currently going through chemo therapy... treatment plan?
I say nothing, but one doc said cut off the crown and bury the roots (with out root canals bc that is too risky). What do you think?



  1. 1. HOLY SHIT. You can't make that up!!
    2. Heard of doing that a lot - especially in pedo traumas. Called it "decoronation" and did it to preserve the bone until you have a better solution. 25 yr old with metastatic cancer? That sucks so much.
    3. Hope you get back here all in one piece!!! And that your experiments start behaving themselves.

  2. You passed on the joint? WTH is wrong with you? haha...j/k.
    Crazy story, Kelly. Be safe and see you soon.

  3. I'm on Keyvan's team. When an abusive boyfriend asks you if you want to toke up, say yes. This rotation is all about having experiences.
