Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last week in NoVA

Whoa, I mean, who can top an inside-out face and a giraffe chase, Josiah!?!? Awesome. Or a pedophile. Wait.

My rotation in Virginia has been fun over the long weekend because Drew came up to visit from NC. We went to the 'famous' Georgetown Cupcake in D.C. (of DC cupcakes on TLC).  They really were as amazing as people say and true to the hype. 
The icing is so light and deliciously fluffy, and the cupcakes are super moist. OMG so GOOOOOD!
And these cupcakes totally have to do with dentistry because.... they are filled with sugar that causes tooth decay. And I am ridding the world of about a dozen of them, with the help of my husband. We are superheroes. Sugar-fighting superheroes. 
I also went out canoeing at the local lake with my brother and his friends (and Scout) searching for turtles to put in my brother's new aquarium. No turtles, but Scout had fun getting dunked in the water because it was like 100 degrees).
She had a blast.

Hope everyone else had a lovely Memorial Day Weekend! Many thanks to those who serve and who have family members who serve in the military! I know I'm proud of my Air Force poppa!

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